Material & Resources
Final Conference 2022
Subproject 3 - Chemical and Process Innovation Presentation Slides - Prof. Frank Schael, Dr. Alex Föller and Patrick Rojahn 6 MB
Final Conference - Intro Presentation Dr. Julian Schenten
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Final Conference - Normative Developments EU Sustainable Product Policies
Dr. Ioannis Dosis, Federal Environment Agency UBA
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Final Conference - IT Tools and Governance for Traceability of Chemicals
Eleni Kaluziak, Hochschule Darmstadt /// Interview with Arnaud Backbier, Royal Smit & Zoon
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Final Conference - Chemical and Process Innovations
Prof. Dr. Frank Schael, Hochschule Darmstadt /// With inputs from Dr. Alex Föller, TEGEWA
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Final Conference - Handbook of Leather Design for Sustainable Development
Dr. Jonas Rehn-Groenendijk, Hochschule Darmstadt
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Final Conference - Ekkehard Wernder (Heller Leder)
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Final Conference - Conclusions and Outlook
Dr. Julian Schenten, Hochschule Darmstadt /// With commentary by Prof. Dr. Dirk Bunke, Öko-Institut
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Transformation towards a "More Sustainable Chemistry" in the Leather Supply Chains"
This video presents the project "More Sustainable Chemistry in the Leather Supply Chains" and the four sub-projects resulting from it. The recording was made during an online conference on the launch of the sub-projects on 29.06.2020.
The videos listed below can be used to select specific content from the conference.
Scenario for Leather 2035 - Common Vision for a "More Sustainable Chemistry in Leather Supply Chains
Strategy development for "More sustainable chemistry in the leather supply chains" until 2035
Harmonization of standards for a more sustainable leather chemistry (Subproject 1)
IT Tools and Governance for Traceability (Subproject 2)
Chemicals and Process Innovation (Subproject 3)
Leather Design Guidelines for Sustainable Development (Subproject 4)
Process outputs
Factsheet: Results Leather-Survey 2020 |
Szenario A - Leather 2035 - Quantity beats Quality |
Szenario B - Leather 2035 - Quality through Appreciation and Awareness |
Theory of Change als PDF downloaden |
Julian Schenten, Martin Führ, Silke Kleihauer und Joana Schönborn, Traceability as driver for more sustainable chemistry in the global textile supply chains, in: Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (Vol 19), October 2019, p. 87-93. |
Patrick Rojahn, Oliver Ruß, Lars Gössl, Matthias Kroschel, Frank Herbstritt, Joachim Heck und Frank Schael, Mixing Performance in a Distributed-Feed Plate-Type Reactor with Multinozzle Injection for Fine Chemical Production Scale, in: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (Vol 59), January 2020, p. 3655 – 3668. |
Process Outputs
Handbook of Leather Design for Sustainable Development Handbook of Leather Design for Sustainable Development 47 MB
Leather Design Competition & Mentoring Program 2022 Leather Design Competition & Mentoring Program 2022 2 MB
Interim Report after Workshop #2 Connection between subprojects
Initial structure of guidelines
12.01.2021 1 MB -
Interim Report after Workshop #3 / Author's Guide to support writing process Interim Report after Workshop #3 / Author's Guide to support writing process 641 KB