[Translate to English:] Systeminnovationen für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

s: ne - system innovation for sustainable development
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Hesse support h_da as part of the federal-state initiative "Innovative University" (the "Excellence Initiative for HAWs).
The funding enables h_da to strategically further develop its transfer activities, based on the objectives of sustainable development (Article 20a of the Basic Law / "Sustainable Development Goals" UN Agenda 2030 ").
The h_da university has established the Innovation and Transformation Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) as part of the s:ne project from 2018 to the end of 2022. Click here to visit the current website: LINK
Systeminnovation für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (s:ne)
im Rahmen der Bund-Länder-Initiative "Innovative Hochschule"
Dr. Silke Kleihauer
Holzhofallee 36 B
(Eingang über den linken Hof)
64295 Darmstadt